Showing 1–12 of 15 results
Bedtime Tea
Bedtime Tea is a loose leaf tea combining soothing Chamomile with Passiflora and Red Clover, to help keep you relaxed at bedtime.
Detox Tea
A loose leaf tea for helping to maintain the detox process, combining four valuable herbs.
Dig Tea
A soothing loose leaf tea to support and balance the digestion, including the stomach and liver.
Fem Rep Tea
A loose leaf tea for cleansing and supporting the female reproductive system.
Kid Tea
An excellent loose leaf tea to support the kidneys and bladder and help maintain water balance. Combining four herbs including the wonderful Buchu and Uva Ursi.
Licorice Tea
A tasty loose tea which supports both the digestive and respiratory functions of the body.
Liv Tea
A loose tea to support the liver and gall bladder, including Milk Thistle and Dandelion Root, which are two excellent herbs for the liver.
Lu Tea
A loose tea to balance and cleanse the lungs, which is also supportive for the throat and sinuses.
Marshmallow Leaf Tea
Lubricating loose leaf Marshmallow makes a tea which is a valuable aid when seeking to maintain the health of mucous membranes in the kidneys, lungs and bronchial areas.
Nve Tea
A supportive loose tea for helping to keep the nerves and emotions in balance.
Pau d’Arco Tea
A loose tea made from the bark of the Pau d'Arco tree, a South American herb used for centuries to support the immune system.
Rene Caisse Tea
This calming and cleansing herbal combination provides valuable support for the immune system, the digestive system and blood circulation.