Echinacea Range

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Echinacea is a well-known immune-supporting herb. We offer pure Echinacea Capsules and Echinacea Drops; and Echinacea Compound Capsules, a version with added immune herbs.

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Echinacea Range

The immune system is what keeps us well and functioning at 100%, so herbs for the immune system are popular. The Echinacea variety we prefer is Echinacea angustifolia.
Echinacea Capsules or Drops can be used for general support – eg a 3-month course of either during the Autumn months.

And if you have a sudden desire for immune support we recommend the Echinacea Compound, and taking double or triple the usual amount – i.e. 2-3 capsules 3 times a day – for a week or so.

For a more comprehensive solution consider the Immune Programme.

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Product details

The immune system is what keeps us well – free of coughs and colds (or worse), and functioning at 100%. This makes herbs to support the immune system very popular. The Echinacea variety we us is Echinacea angustifolia. It is pricier than other Echinacea varieties (E. pallida and E. purpurea), but we think it’s worth it.

Echinacea Capsules or Drops can be used for general support – eg a 3-month course of either during the Autumn months is highly recommended.

And, if you have a sudden desire for immune support, we would recommend the Echinacea Compound with its added Wild Indigo, Garlic and Myrrh; and taking double or triple the usual amount – i.e. 2-3 capsules 3 times a day – for a week or so.

SHS recommends you always keep some Echinacea in the house as you never know when you might want to use it. (If I go on holiday, I take some Echinacea Drops and Echinacea Compound Capsules along side my toothbrush.)